Monday, August 24, 2009
On reaching the top, we forgot all the difficulties. The wind was pleasant and we ate pure curd, banana, and chiura (too tasty) in Badegaon. Rested a bit and went to Thanti, saw the school and took snaps. Returned back and ate masyaura and rice. We then slept. Though electricity was available, we could not see due to load shedding. Water was easily available in every place in this village. Got up early morning and felt the stomach not functioning well. Had 3/4 bowel movements. Roamed down and took snaps. Returned back, ate rice with all pure stuffs and headed shortcut towards the main road.
Indeed a great fun to know we reached to the bank in about half an hour just because we had to hurriedly follow a leader (an old man). Stayed in the yesterday’s water fountain and crossed Indraawati. Took snaps there too and the stones were slippery and the flow of the river strong. Walked on the hot sand and reached the main road. We planned to reach Melamchi and watch the water but due to Nepal bandh, the plan failed. Finished a wai wai and walked towards Kunta besi. Found a trax and a crowded bus following it. We took the trax, payed Rs.15/head and reached Kunta. Ate chicken and chiura and headed other relative’s home. Found red soil and ainselu and reached there. Found gobar gas and drank black tea. Again headed inner areas and oldest house and returned back. Took touch-me-not videos and had fun. Ate evening meal and watched DVD for a few minutes and slept with mosquitoes all over.
The next morning, got up and had a cup of milk and walked straight towards Dhaitar, Mahadevsthan. From there, went roaming for about an hour and saw fat in milk checked, took a touch-me-not plant, and took snaps in big stones. Then reached Mahadevsthan and played cards and had rice with ghee. Felt heavy and slept for a few moments in a hot day. Got up and went to other relative’s house and had tea and biscuit. Then headed at around 4 pm to Chainpur uphill through the jungle. Reached the top in about 5:30 pm. Nagarkot was just in front of this hill. Reached the top and had popcorn and soyabeans. Again roamed downwards and reached the place at night and had a meal. Then went up and slept in a mosquito net.
Next morning, we had lots to do. So, got up at 5 am and had tea. Headed downwards and within 45 minutes, we reached Mahadevsthan. Stayed there for a few minutes and went Kunta. Stayed there too and watched the well and the most awaited buffalo worth Rs. 43,000 giving 7 liters of milk. Then caught a bus to Lamindada and got heated in a crowded bus. From Lamindada, headed Palanchowk in a trax (Rs. 30/head). Took snaps outside and ate vegetable chowmein and achar and headed Satdobato which never seem to come. Finally, went our home and took snaps. Returned and went Tiharthok, met mom and stayed in Pipalbot as the bus was already missed. So, thought of walking but fortunately were able to catch a trax just nearby and went Palanchok. Again, had a lunch there and caught a trax to Banepa (Rs. 60/head). From Banepa, stayed in a big bus and reached Koteshwor safely. From Koteshwor, we walked to office and finally arrived in the New Year Evening.
15th April, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
April 24th
What a life to cherish
What a moment to live by
What a friend to shed tears
What a company to be with
What a snobbery to be seen
What a world to laugh at
What an improper creature a man
What a dilemma to survive through them
What an illusion created over all
What a bondage to pass through
Oh me! oh miserable me !
Hypocrisy rules
Fate governs
Predicament inescapable
Silence everywhere
April 24
Finding myself in this state now, it is pretty hard to distinguish what might be right and what not, who are correct and who not. I never imagined I might be in this position some day. But time is a mystery. No one knows what happens when. It gives an opportunity for everyone to get experienced its various elements. No haste, just a patience, and it will be granted. Ah, mercy.
A state when we find all things out of track, all people out of way, nobody could be trusted upon, we get blank- a feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness, depression, frustration, and what not. An easy impetus for a suicidal attempt but something still is preventing me from such stuffs, maybe the knowledge gained so far, maybe the experiences, maybe the aftermaths. Know not.
It seems good though as it is going to take a firm way now onwards, just a hope anyway. At least something will end and something open. It seems an outlet for expression. Enough is enough. Expression is better than explosion, whatever, however. Let it alone be paranoid feelings. Enough of suppression and repression. A way out is essential, a necessity and natural. Nature is powerful, hardly avoidable. It takes its track out and becomes natural and everything is in equilibrium.
Monday, July 27, 2009
A Meeting Point
There will be marriage parties going on in its surroundings, one behind the center and the next one on its right side. Since the catering services are high in demand and is easier for busy people, they are busy managing red and blue chairs and materials required for the evening since parties in the evening are growing in demand. The one on the back has a big hall and needs no tents outside. But, the next needs a planning of a tent around. Maybe the space inside is quite small or they aren’t allowed to use that room.
Next, a new bride is entering there. Robed in a gold shining, heavy embroidered red sari, blouse and a shawl (red cotton shoes, of course), accompanied by a couple of ladies in her sides, she enters, bows and takes blessings.
After this, a child on his rice-feeding ceremony is carried over inside. Dressed in red shiny polyster-mixed clothes (most probably without shoes) with eyes black by kajal allover, he is bowed before God and is put a red tika on his forehead for blessings.
Also, there is a funeral procession about to go on its left hand side. There is a huge bus stopped from where are about a dozen people coming out one by one. All dressed casually but with a shawl, some are already arranging the woods and straw. Women are sobbing and crying calling out their dear loved one. The corpse is yet to be seen. But it is sure to be seen later.
Here, lies a picture of a life cycle of a man which completes in a day. The very shrine is surrounded by various life rituals. No sides are vacant, too busy a place. We all lie here. That is our destiny. Religion is what binds us and helps maintain a bond of brotherhood.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Also, the environment does not permit me to move ahead. Today, when I was opening the Linguistics, the tough book, thinking to go over it by the time it is already too late, there was a sweet melody of the carpenter’s saw going on outside. Why had he to start his work so early in the morning, when I had a holiday and had a desire to read? It is already hard for me to concentrate, and besides…
There are so many things going on inside the head at a time; a gift to the modern men, the fragmented thoughts and the distresses. It seems as if they are going to explode soon. Too difficult time for them at the present. I wonder what we are created for. How to adjust in such a corrupt world? A modern man is full of frustrations. A miserable man. I think the very word ‘miserable’ suits before every ‘man.’ Since everything is dynamic, the old terms are also to be neo-made—a demand of time.
Look at his misery. After he is born, is educated to become a good individual. Some are lucky enough to be granted education while some not. However, the goal remains the same for all, to become good. He has various obstacles which he faces and overcomes. Then the next one emerges. The process repeats. But, how long? For how long is the nature and fate going to examine him? Until the energy extinguishes? Until he is sick and tired or what? Life is a bouquet of unanswered questions. I think so, and that is the truth whether you agree or not.
I want to write. I am doing now. I want to sing. I took a leave suddenly in my singing classes. I want to work. Today is a holiday. I want to study well. Thanks God! It is a holiday again. Just now, I killed a mosquito. It died by the time I patted and saw it fall down on the bedsheet. I am the same mosquito, weak and completely helpless. What a life to live! I do not want this life. However, it is not in my power to get or not get what I like. A complete puppet! How miserable! And that is not what I desire for, a miserable one. I have hundreds of wishes. I am a human being. So that is the innate quality a man has. How can he be born free of desires? He would be God then. I am just wondering why we be created desirous and still never be provided for. Man would be well satisfied if any of his desires was fulfilled. Not even that! Oh, modern men, I pity you.
It is really difficult to live with corrupt people, especially when the situation aggravates and nothing is in our hand. I wonder why God creates them and for what reason. Just take a brief look at a man. He works so hard, is busy from the time he gets up until the night. Tired with the entire hectic schedule, wants to rest a bit. Returns home and finds everything out of order.
Really, we are the mere puppets in the grip of whosoever is in super power. Okay, we compromised we cannot get all the desires fulfilled. It is impossible, okay. We are fool too according to Bonaparte. Agreed! But again! The efforts the man puts forth are of no use at all. With great struggle, with a hope of a better tomorrow, he reaches to a certain height, falls down a little (as the road is somewhat slippery), again gains strength enough to climb up, reaches to a greater height then. But he is not a single man to reach there. When started, there were many with him. They were weak and had no hope. So, he left them all and reached to the altitude. They, in fact, could not reach the least height. He has many competitors wanting to move towards the apex, the same goal. But what a dilemma! Instead of making themselves strong enough to reach their destination, they aim at throwing their colleagues to the base. They grab his neck and throw him to the muddy pond below the base from where getting out solely depends upon his power and ability. He might even become paralyzed or disabled as a result of the shock. Anyway, if he was mentally prepared for it before starting to climb and had a solution for something like this, it would not be much of a problem. If not, then there is.
Why does it always rain on the feeble ones? I have heard God sees the truth but waits, but for how long? Until the death? The Almighty might know. I do not. We people live in such hope that it would turn out okay soon, and the life ends up with that hope ever unfulfilled. Is he the only person in this world? Why should he work so hard when the rest are happy sleeping and least bothered about anything? All the Neros there and he, the Hercules. Is the responsibility just for him? What for should he suffer if no one has feeling of responsibility? If no one supports him, rather helps him, or at least not disturbs him or not become a hindrance, what value has life for him?
Often people say life is beautiful if we know the tips to live well. But, when there is no one to accompany him, share him, support him, comfort him, caress him, what is the meaning? I say what?
Most of us become blind when reaching our goal. This article is just for those who have desire of becoming something or doing something meaningful to the world so that even after death they are alive in the memories of mankind.
January 2006
Monday, March 16, 2009
नेपाली अनुवाद "अभाव के हो ?"

गरिवी भनेको प्रत्येक बिहान फोहोर र रोगीको टाटैटाटाको ओछ्यानबाट उठ्नु हो । तन्नाहरुले धेरै वर्ष अघिदेखि नै थाङ्नाको काम गर्दै आएका छन् । गरिवी कहिल्यै नछुट्ने गन्धसँग बाँच्नु हो । पिसाब, अमिलो दूध र बासी सडेको खानेकुरा जुन कहिलेकाहीं डढेको प्याजसँगै मिसिएर आउँछ, त्यही गन्ध हो यो । प्याजहरु केही सस्ता हुन्छन् । तिमीले यो गन्ध सुँघेको भए त्यो कसरी आयो तिमीलाई थाहा थिएन होला । यो सार्वजनिक शौचालयको गन्ध हो । रातको लामो अँध्यारो बाटोमा हिंड्न नसक्ने साना केटाकेटीहरुको गन्ध हो यो । वर्षौं देखि दुर्घटनामा परेका ओछ्यानहरुको गन्ध हो यो । स्टोभ बिग्रिएकोले फाटेको दूधको गन्ध हो यो । फेरि यसलाई बनाउन पैसा चाहिन्छ । यो कुहिएको फोहोरको गन्ध हो, मैले यसलाई गाड्न सक्थें तर स्यावेल खोइ ? स्यावेल किन्न पैसा चाहिन्छ ।
दरिद्रता भनेको थकित हुनु हो । म सधैं नै थकित भएको छु । अस्पतालमा मेरो अन्तिम बच्चा हुँदा उनीहरुले भनेका थिए मलाई रगतको कमी भयो रे, पोषिलो खाना र राम्रो स्याहारसुसारको कमीले गर्दा । अनि मेरो अपरेशन गर्नुपर्छ रे, म चुपचाप सुनिरहें । गरिवहरु सध्रैं चुपचाप रहन्छन् । उनीहरु सधैं सुन्छन् । भिटामिन चक्की, खाना वा औषधिको लागि पैसा छैन –अहँ कहिल्यै भन्दैनन् । अपरेशनको सोच नै भयानक हुन्छ र यति धेरै भयानक हुन्छ कि यसको आँट गर्नु मात्र पनि हाँस्यास्पद हुन्थ्यो । मेरा लालावालाको रेखदेख कसले गर्छ ? अपरेशनबाट पूर्णतया निको हुन धेरै समय लाग्छ । मेरा ३ छोराछोरी छन् । अस्तिनै मैले जागिर खाँदा जब उनीहरुलाई मूमासँग छोडेको थिएँ, घर फर्कंदा कान्छीको मुखभरि झंगा भन्किएको र उसको थाङ्ना म गएदेखि नफेरिएको भेटें । जब सुकेको थाङना निकालें, स–साना छालाका टुक्राहरु पनि सँगै आए। माइलोचाहिं फुटेको गिलासको तीखो टुक्रोसँग खेलिरहेको थियो । अनि मेरो जेठोचाहिं पोखरीको छेउमा एक्लै खेल्दैथियो । महिनामा १५०० रुपियाँ कमाउँथें, अनि तीनैजनालाई राम्रो स्कूलमा राख्न १००० रुपियाँ लाग्छ । मैले जागीर छोडें ।

त्यही बेला हो मैले मद्दत मागेको । जब मैले पाएँ, त्यो कति थियो थाहा छ तिमीलाई ? हामी चारजनाको लागि महिनाको ३५०० रुपियाँ थियो र छ पनि । मैले पाउनसक्ने अब त्यति हो, त्यति । तिमीलाई सायद अब थाहा भयो किन यहाँ साबुन छैन, सीयो र धागो छैन, तातोपानी छैन, सिटामोल छैन, जुकाको औषधि छैन, क्रीम, स्याम्पू केही छैन । यीमध्ये कुनै पनि छैनन् सधैं नै, सदा सदाको लागि नै । तिमी राम्रोसँग देख्न सक्छौ घरभाँडाको लागि मैले सयौं तिर्नुपर्छ । बाँकी जति प्रायः सबै खानामा जान्छ । मकैको पीठो, उसिनेको चामल, दाल र डेरीको दूधमा । आफूले भ्याएसम्म थोरै विजुली प्रयोग गर्ने कोसिस गर्छु । फेरि धेरै गर्नाले खानाको लागि त्यति नै कम हुन्छ ।
दरिद्रता अँध्यारो भविष्यमा हेर्नु हो । तिम्रा बालबच्चाहरु मेरा केटाकेटीसँग खेल्दैनन् । उनीहरु, आफूलाई चाहिने कुरा चोर्ने खालका केटाकेटीहरुतिर हेर्छन् । म अहिले नै उनीहरुलाई मेरो गरिवीको वारको साटो उनीहरुको जेलको वारपछाडि देखिरहेको छु । अथवा उनीहरु रक्सी र ड्रग्सको स्वतन्त्रतातिर फर्कनेछन् र आफूलाई अधीनस्थ पाउनेछन् । अनि मेरी छोरी ? आशा गरौं उनको लागि पनि पुरुषको झैं जीवन रहेको छ । तर तिमी मलाई स्कूलहरु छँदैछन् नि भन्छौ । हो, स्कूलहरु छन् । मेरा केटाकेटीहरुसँग अरु किताब, पत्रिका, पेन्सिल, रंगीविरंगी कलम र कागज छैनन् । र सबैभन्दा मुख्य कुरा, उनीहरुसँग स्वास्थ्य छैन । उनीहरुसँ कीटाणु छन्, उनीहरुसँग घाउ छन् , गर्मी महिनाभरि उनीहरुसँग पाकेका आँखा हुन्छन् । उनीहरु भुईंमा राम्ररी सुत्दैनन् न त मेरो खाटमा मसँग नै । उनीहरु भोकले ग्रस्त हुँदैनन् । मेरो रु. ३५०० ले हामीलाई बचाउँछ । तर उनीहरु कुपोषणबाट पीडित छन् । अँ साच्चि, स्कूलमा स्वास्थ्यको बारेमा पढाइएको म सम्झन्छु । यसले त्यति राम्रो भने गर्दैन । कुनै कुनै ठाउँमा स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रम हुन्छन्, यहाँ हुँदैनन् । जिल्ला प्रमुखले यो धेरै खर्चिलो हुने बताए । स्कूल खाजा कार्यक्रम पनि हुन्छ । तर मेरा दुई छोरा छन् जो स्कूल पुगुन्जेलसम्ममा विग्रिसकेका हुनेछन् ।
अभाव एसिडको थोपो हो जुन आफ्नो भएभरको स्वाभिमान नगुमेसम्म त्यसमा झरिरहन्छ । अभाव एउटा करौंती हो जसले आफ्नो भएभरको सम्मान नहराएसम्म त्यसमा रेटिरहन्छ । तिमीहरुमध्ये कसैले मेरोजस्तो अवस्थामा आफू भए केही गर्थ्यौं भन्छौ र र पहिलो हप्ता वा पहिलो महिनाको लागि सायद गर्थ्यौ पनि तर एकपछि अनि फेरि अर्को वर्षको लागि चाहिं ?

Friday, January 2, 2009
Marriage! What a word! What a sensation! Who is not pleased to hear it? We brighten up sparkling our eyes with pleasing thoughts in the mind. The children are excited; young ones blush, the experienced ones are delighted to cherish the memory. What is this very word then? Is it really that pleasurable? Of course, it is. However, what I would like to add here is yes, marriage is a pleasure, but, temporary. How? I am here to show.
The very topic 'marriage' has never been considered seriously. It is, of course, a great concern of everybody's life and a big caution is taken on taking decisions, whom to choose a partner for one's life. However, it's not sufficient. A lot is needed to be thought upon it before we move ahead.
We believe marriage is compulsory as it is a natural process and those who challenge nature encounter disaster. But we never care the effects and the misery it has been creating for us. If you want to care it now, have a slight glimpse at it. Proceed further. If not, don't waste your precious time on these useless details.
Take a close look at the world holding us. How is she able to carry such an overload? The world is overpopulated. Crowds and crowds everywhere we go. While walking from home or office or from any other places, look how many heads we see on the way. Where do they all come from? Many don't get enough; neither food and shelter nor any good to wear. Half the world is crying in despair. What for? For their desires unfulfilled, for their shattered hopes, for their dreams turning out false. Earth has become feeble. Now she is old. It is our time to support her now. How can we get ready to produce new babies to deteriorate the present situation and do ill to our Earth by marrying? Let's consider this truth.
Have you seen the married couples complaining most of the time about their partners? Obviously, you have, I know. They are so busy criticizing them they forget they are revealing all the secrets of their conjugal life to other people and get aware of this when it's too late. Also, since it is a matter of relationship, it is most of the time almost impossible to live one's life according to one's will. Dominance is the key factor which ruins this bond. This domination causes both to live in artificial manner. Life is pretended. Individual freedom is not granted. We become puppets. So how can a mere puppet life be worthy? Is not our life to live for ourselves?
We live in reality. A Utopia is limited only in the pages of dictionary. Even if it has been used, it is for the imaginative litterateurs and again the very word gets stuck in the pages of books. Since there is not a thing called 'perfection' in our life, so is the relationship. There can never be a perfect harmony in this bond which many of us expect. All the relations are based on reality and a conjugal relationship is even more contaminated by this factor. So the relationship becomes like that of 2 enemies. However, it is the least important factor of this essay.
Let's analyse ourselves. What are we? We are human beings, so called the highest animals. Are we? I doubt. We claim we are perfect. 'I'm the best and the cleverest'-This is our claim. All of us say that. We have to. Otherwise, we would gain inferiority. But, observing closely, have we attained the perfection qualities? Look at the shameful deeds we have done. How many times a day we lie to ourselves? Uncountable. What are we in real? A hollow; shallow flesh, bone, and blood. That's it. A complete hypocrite. We have inherited all the qualities biologically from our parents, through genes. So how can we claim we will create a good human, a pure human and make it perfect in every sense? What we never could become all our life, can we merely claim to provide it to our offspring? Aren't we cheating ourselves and them, who are not even born? What right we have to do so? It is a sin. Let's not commit it knowingly. We are incapable of raising people, biologically as well as psychologically.
At the end, the essay aims not at going against the institution of marriage, the age-old tradition, but to make you think twice before you take any steps for it. This might help create the world a better place to live in as we already are conscious of the marital effects. And maybe a temporary pleasure will turn out to be a constant pleasure until we live and let others live.