Thursday, April 1, 2010


31st March, 2010

It’s funny to look at life which gives us surprises at unusual times. It is unpredictable. Before we have coped up with one issue properly, there is another one ready for us to handle. How amazing to be at this puppetism! Can anyone resist it? No one. Who are we? The mere puppets. Life does not go through planned ways. Rather, it is other way around.

When we get what we had been waiting for, how do we react? Obviously, positively and even happily perhaps. But…but not being able to value it with our responses is something that needs to be addressed. Had it happened in the past, life would have taken another shape. Because of the altered time and space, our thoughts change. What was true before years seems no longer right now.

There are times when we come across similar situations. People act the way we once acted in the past and so the problem needs to be dealt the way we were once dealt with in our situations. For example, putting oneself in the position of ‘somebody’ and somebody else in the then ‘our’ position.

To have what we want is the best moment we can have, would want to cherish it but are unable. As I said earlier, time and space influence our destiny. Unpredictable life is what we are certain about as the way somebody said that the only thing that is permanent is change. How true! The decision that once seemed so obvious and proper is so improper now simply because of this time. It is not that we are perplexed. There is nothing to be confused about. We had been such for years. We no longer are.

The wisdom is we are puppets of the superpower and we must follow this puppetism. There is no single truth that exists. What a life! In fact, worth laughing. What else can we do? There sits the invisible shaper of our predicament whom we cannot even vent our anger upon since nothing happens apart from the reflection back on us. We observe His tricks and move along.

Oh powerful one! I serve you.

*** (a term coined for ‘unavoidable destiny to becoming a puppet’)

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